Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

Despite 'defunding' claims, police funding has increased in many US cities - ABC News

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

America spends a lot more on schools than on police

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

Spending on Police by State

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

What Police Spending Data Can (and Cannot) Explain amid Calls to Defund the Police

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

Americans' trust in law enforcement, desire to protect law and order on the rise

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

7 myths about defunding the police debunked

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

IFPTE Local 21 San Francisco CA

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

How major US cities prioritise police spending

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

City Council Set to Scrutinize Johnson's Plan to Reorganize Chicago Police Department, Chicago News

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

The Share of Americans Who Want More Police Spending is Growing, Poll Says

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

Over the past 60 years, more spending on police hasn't necessarily meant less crime - The Washington Post

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

USA TODAY/Ipsos poll: Just 18% support 'defund the police' movement

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

America spends a lot more on schools than on police

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

Majority of Public Favors Giving Civilians the Power to Sue Police Officers for Misconduct

Americans' support for more police spending in their area is

Chart: Police Spending Per Capita In Major U.S. Cities